Arizona to Vote on BBA Compact

Committee vote scheduled for March 7th. 

Good news! The Arizona State Senate has scheduled a hearing and vote on the Compact for America Balanced Budget Amendment. The bill has already passed the Arizona House.

State:               Arizona
Committee:  Senate Appropriations Committee
Date:                March 7, 2017
Time:               2:00 p.m.
Room:             SHR 109
Bill:                    H.B.2226, Interstate Compact for a Balanced U.S. Budget

To learn more about the March 7 hearing, visit the Arizona Legislature website and search for bill number “HB2226.”

Here’s a link to the current Senate Appropriations Committee member list, in case you want to let your voice be heard.

To learn more about the Compact proposal, visit the non-profit Compact for America Education Foundation, on whose advisory board I am proud to serve.


Readers of this blog will know that I’m a big fan of the BBA Compact, which has been approved in four states to date: Georgia, Alaska, North Dakota, and Mississippi. The Compact needs to pass in 34 more states, plus Congress, to become part of the U.S. Constitution.

In my view, only the states can save us from a debt-induced collapse.

The BBA Compact offers the best vehicle for averting fiscal disaster, because it enables the states to use an Article V convention to propose and ratify an excellent Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, and thus to get around a runaway Congress without risk of a “runaway” convention.

Dean Clancy, a former senior official in the White House and Congress, writes frequently on U.S. budget and constitutional issues. Follow him at or on twitter @deanclancy.