A Plan to Renew the Promise of American Life, Plank 10
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Plank 10. Shrink the cabinet
Specific Recommendations
10.1. Reduce the number of federal cabinet-level departments from fifteen to no more than, say, seven or eight.
10.2. Dramatically shrink the federal workforce.
10.3. Place every agency of an executive character under a cabinet secretary who reports directly to the president. No exceptions.
10.4. Bring the Presidential Succession Act into line with the Constitution, and avert a possible constitutional crisis, by removing from the line of succession the speaker of the House and the Senate president pro tem.
In previous planks, we’ve seen how the federal establishment is too big, too unaccountable and how it taxes, spends, and regulates too much. In this plank, we turn to its physical size and organizational sprawl. To get Uncle Sam into shape, he needs to shed fat. It’s time to take out our red pens and eliminate dozens of needless agencies and departments and shrink the federal workforce. It’s also time to bring today’s dozens of free-floating, quasi-autonomous agencies under a reasonable semblance of order with clear lines of accountability.
In the process, we’ll make some room at the crowded cabinet table. And that’s important, because any organization whose chief has more than a small number of direct reports is a poorly managed organization.
And forcing bureaucracies to compete for funding and attention and tends to reduce wasteful allocations to the ones that add the least value.
The federal workforce has exploded. In 1940 there were 700,000 federal civilian employees, including postal workers. Today there are 2.8 million.
If we include military personnel, there are nearly 7 million federal employees. If we add in government contractors (and we should, since adding contractors is one way agencies hold down their official ‘headcount’), we find close to 10 million federally employed Americans.
Plus, there are also 19 million state and local employees, many of whose jobs are funded at least in part with federal dollars.
So, today there are nearly half again as many Americans employed in government today (23 million) as there are Americans employed in manufacturing (15 million). Does that seem like a good balance?
(In percentage terms, those two figures represent, respectively, 7.3 percent and 4.8 percent of the U.S. population.)
Among other things, this ballooning of the government workforce has created a permanent constituency for big government.
George Washington had four cabinet secretaries. His successors in our time have 15, plus more than 80 additional federal agencies, many of which are not fully accountable to the elected branches and, in some cases, are neither public nor private in character, but resemble a chimera.
Less Is More
Okay, so let’s look at how Congress can shrink the bloat and simplify the org chart. /1
In reforming the executive branch, lawmakers should pursue four main objectives: Follow the Constitution, eliminate unnecessary agencies, shrink the cabinet table, and make every agency accountable to the President and Congress as the Constitution requires.
Proposed Reorganization
Now, I realize no two people will agree on how to do this, exactly. And existing vested interests will naturally try to stop any change. /2
But we have to start somewhere. Here’s my own suggestion:
1. Eliminate all unconstitutional functions and sub-agencies.
2. Retain six of the existing cabinet-level departments, namely:
- State
- Treasury
- Defense
- Justice
- Interior
- Commerce
3. Create a new Department of Administration to house Uncle Sam’s centralized personnel and procurement functions. /3
4. Eliminate the remaining departments, transferring their functions elsewhere as seems most appropriate, but with the Commerce Department being the default destination:
- Agriculture
- Labor
- Housing and Urban Development
- Transportation
- Health and Human Services
- Energy (transfer national security functions to Defense)
- Education
- Veterans (transfer to Defense as a new operating division headed by a veteran)
- Homeland Security
5. Move the CIA and similar intelligence agencies to their natural home, the Defense Department.
6. Fold the Federal Reserve, if it still exists, into the Treasury Department. (For more on the Fed, see the honest money and independent agencies planks.)
7. Leave the Executive Office of the President as it is and retain its cabinet rank. It’s the umbrella entity for the White House and presidential staff and should report directly to the president.
8. Fold all of the remaining non-cabinet agencies, boards, commissions, and government-sponsored enterprises into a big-D department. Again, no exceptions. /4 /5
Meet Your New Cabinet
Voilà! A new cabinet table with just seven chairs: /6
- The Secretary of State
- The Secretary of the Treasury
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Attorney General
- The Secretary of the Interior
- The Secretary of Commerce
- The Secretary of Administration
And here, for convenient reference, is our current cabinet table:
- The Secretary of State
- The Secretary of the Treasury
- The Secretary of Defense
- The Attorney General
- The Secretary of the Interior
- The Secretary of Agriculture
- The Secretary of Commerce
- The Secretary of Labor
- The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
- The Secretary of Transportation
- The Secretary of Health and Human Services
- The Secretary of Energy
- The Secretary of Education
- The Secretary of Veterans
- The Secretary of Homeland Security
Which one looks more manageable?
Which one looks more constitutional? /7
1/ And to the extent necessary, Congress should reorganize itself to make this task easier, for example, by merging and realigning its own committees and procedures to create institutional biases in favor of constitutionally limited government and fiscal common sense.
2/ In this article, cabinet secretaries are listed in order of presidential succession, which is based on the order of their respective departments’ creation.
3/ I’m thinking primarily of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the General Services Administration (GSA), but there are probably others.
4/ For example, I would put the Centers for Disease Control and Preventition (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under Defense, and I’d put the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under Commerce. I think the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is unconstitutional. Either get rid of it or make it constitutional by amendment. I prefer getting rid of it.
5/ As for the FBI, our national police agency, which has in some ways come to resemble a gestapo (and at times seems like the armed wing of the Democratic National Committee), I’d give them a lot fewer reasons to monitor and harass us. For starters, by abolishing income taxation, and ending the futile federal drug war. That would give them a lot less to do. And while we’re on this topic, I’d also take a lot of federal crimes off the statute-book, many of which should never have been put there in the first place. Many ‘federal’ crimes are really just state crimes that can and should be policed by the states.
6/ The term ‘cabinet table’ in this article refers narrowly to the heads of the big-D departments, plus the president, the vice president, and the various ‘independent’ and non- and sub-departmental agency heads and ambassadors upon whom the president has chosen to confer ‘cabinet rank.’ As you might imagine, the Cabinet Room gets pretty crowded.
7/ In the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, Congress inserted its own top officers into the list of officers in the line of succession, between the vice president and the department heads. As the list currently stands, after the vice president comes the speaker of the House of Representatives and the president pro tempore of the Senate. Their inclusion is both unconstitutional and imprudent, not only raising separation-of-powers issues but also creating the specter of a potential Allen Drury style conundrum. Congress should correct the error by taking itself off the list.
Constitutional Amendments
This plank does not require any constitutional amendments.
Makes the federal establishment smaller and more accountable and more constitutionally appropriate.
Reduces federal spending by eliminating unnecessary departments, agencies, boards, commissions, and government-sponsored enterprises.
Revised: October 8, 2019.
Published: June 21, 2013.
Author: Dean Clancy.
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