Radio Interview: Trumpcare Passes House

Can it pass the Senate?

I was interviewed on a national radio program today, “To The Point,” on Public Radio International, with host Warren Olney and a panel of U.S. health care experts:

The interview focused on the unpopular Trumpcare bill (the American Health Care Act, HR-1628), which passed the House on May 4th, after a very rocky start, and now moves to the United States Senate, where the bill is likely to be amended.

Speaking from a grassroots conservative viewpoint, I criticized Trumpcare for not fully repealing Obamacare’s onerous insurance mandates and price controls.

I acknowledged that Trump and House Republicans had scored an important political victory by getting the bill out of the ditch where it had spectacularly fallen back on March 24th.

I also rebutted some false criticisms of the Trumpcare bill by an Obamacare supporter, Maura Calsyn of the Center for American Progress.

My comments begin around the 15:56 mark and end around 35:26.

Listen to the interview.